Category: Featured

Rejected! Gallery Of Our Free Mockups That Didn’t Work Out

We custom design mockups for all qualified potential clients. First, we send you a detailed Website Questionnaire to get a full understanding of your business, your customers, and your design needs. This Questionnaire includes things like other sites you like the look and feel of, along with branding guidelines

Rejected! Gallery of our Free Mockups that didn’t work out

People often wonder if our Free Mockup Offer is legit. It is. We custom design mockups for all qualified potential clients. First, we send you a detailed Website Questionnaire to get a full understanding of your business, your customers, and your design needs. This Questionnaire includes things like other sites you like the look and feel […]

Why don’t I get leads from my website?

Website Lead Generation Not getting any leads from your website? Wondering why that is? In this article, we will go over in checklist fashion some key things that might be holding your website back from turning website visitors into leads. People are not finding what they are looking for Here’s how I think of a […]

Why Do People Hire Web Designers? Web Designer vs Website Builder

Hiring a professional website designer isn’t cheap. The cost of working with a design firm can start at $5,000 and go up from there. So, why then would you pay so much money for a new website when you could use another service such as Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly and build a site for free? Let’s […]

5 Things All Successful Websites Have in Common

In this article, we cover five things all successful website design has in common and how you can implement these design elements into your website. As Leo Tolstoy said in the book Anna Karenina: “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its way.” This is also true when it comes to successfully […]

Increase Website Conversions With the 6 Weapons of Influence

Increase Website Conversions I’m about to share with you a secret trick I use to help my clients increase website conversions by up to 100% or more. A lot of people think that Website Design relates mainly to fonts, colors, spacing and imagery. Design elements are of course important. We take pride in our unique […]

Website Design Trends - The 5 Hottest Web Design Trends of 2017

If you’ve been meaning to launch your new website but haven’t gotten started with your project yet, I have good news for you. You can learn about the latest website design trends for 2017 before you start your next project and stay one step ahead of your competitors. Website Design Trends in 2017 As you […]

What is the Purpose of a Website?

Website Purpose What is the purpose of a website? I’ve had the good fortune of working with many different clients across a wide range of industries. A question I often get from prospective clients is, ‘Have you ever done a website in XYZ industry’? Many times I have, but even when I haven’t, it doesn’t […]

How to Write a Website Design RFP

A website design RFP (request for proposal) is where you send a document to several website design firms for the purpose of them all competing and bidding for the chance to work with you. An RFP can range from being just a few pages to as many as 20 to even 100 pages, which depends […]

6 Dumbest Mistakes Smart People Make When Hiring a Web Designer

If you’re looking to hire someone to build a website, you’re in the right place. But, first of all, who is this written for? This article is for anyone who is a marketing manager. That could be anything from, the CMO of the company to a marketing intern who has been tasked with finding a […]

14 Ways to Generate Free Traffic to Your Website

Want to learn how to increase website traffic? In this article we will cover how to you can get more traffic to your website for free! There’s no point in having a website if no one comes to it. Often people tend to think of a website the way Kevin Costner thought in the movie […]